Kim Heselwood has specialised in Electrolysis for more than 30 years. With The Blend Method’s Needle Epilation, Kim’s clients experience greater comfort and enhanced skin protection. Our disposable needles ensure a superior standard of hygiene and a fine finish every time.
Kim’s Advanced Electrolysis Qualifications:
● Electrolysis & Red Vein Removal, Trudy Fleming – Australia
● Electrolysis & Red Vein Removal, Michael Bono – USA
● Electrolysis & Red Vein Removal, Rita Roberts – England
Unwanted hair can be caused by hormones … hormonal imbalances, menopause, PCOS, Cushing’s Syndrome, adrenal and thyroid disorders and more... With Electrolysis, you’ll experience a gradual, yet constant decrease in hair growth, until all of the hair’s been completely removed. After a course of successful treatments, there’ll be no need to wax, shave, epilate, bleach or pluck ever again!
Electrolysis for Women
Women often seek hair removal for facial areas (top lip, chin, neck, cheeks, eyebrows), breasts, abdomen, underarms, bikini line, legs, fingers and toes. Facial treatments are typically only 30 minutes and require weekly treatments at the beginning.
Electrolysis for Men
Men tend to seek hair removal for the upper arms, around the ears, top of the nose, eyebrows, top of the back, cheeks, above and around the beard, and anywhere ingrown hairs are causing problems.
Electrolysis for clients who are undergoing gender reassignment from male to female
● Consultation and Patch Test: 30min – $60 for all NEW clients
● 15 min – $40
● 30 min – $60
● 45 min – $85
● 60 min – $100
Following your Electrolysis Consultation, you’ll receive aftercare instructions to support your treatment.
Most Popular FAQ's
How does electrolysis work?
With Electrolysis, a very fine, disposable, sterile needle is inserted into the hair follicle’s natural opening in the skin. A tiny amount of heat passes down the needle to the base of the follicle to extinguish the hair, making it softer, finer and lighter in colour.
Is electrolysis right for me?
All Electrolysis treatments are adapted to suit your skin, hair and pain threshold. We’ll begin with a consultation and test patch treatment to identify your skin’s sensitivity.
Does electrolysis hurt?
The sensations from electrolysis vary according to the area of the body being treated, previous methods of hair removal, the client’s pain threshold, hair type, skin type and how you are feeling on the day.
Will electrolysis work on my body?
Electrolysis works on all hair and skin types and can be used to remove unwanted hair on any part of the body.
Electrolysis effectively treats all hair colours, including light blonde and white hairs which are unable to be treated by laser.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments required varies from person to person, as each client’s hair and skin density is different. 3-4 hairs can actually be 30 or more hairs taking turns to grow. An initial consultation is highly recommended, as a range of factors unique to each individual can impact how quickly hair responds to treatment. Rest assured, you’ll quickly feel and see a difference after the first treatment, however permanent hair-free skin requires regular appointments for a year, or more.
How long are appointments?
Appointment times can vary from as little as 15 minutes to as much as 1 hour, depending on the area requiring treatment.
What does the skin look like after treatment?
Following Electrolysis, clients may experience redness and localised swelling, however this will typically disappear after an hour and the next day the skin will be clear. Occasionally sensitive clients experience tiny reddish brown marks on treated areas, however these marks will disappear naturally within a few days to a week.
Will I get scarred?
Scarring doesn’t occur with effective Electrolysis from an experienced practitioner, however if aftercare instructions are ignored, there’s a very small risk of temporary marking. If you notice any unexpected after effects, please mention them as soon as possible, in order to get individualised support for your skin.
I know someone who had Electrolysis and it didn’t work?
Electrolysis is a specialised treatment requiring many years of training, as such ineffective Electrolysis is usually a result of an incorrect treatment from an inexperienced practitioner. With an experienced well-trained practitioner, and a regular treatment plan, you can expect hair-free results.
Who can’t have Electrolysis?
CONTRAINDICATIONS Unfortunately not all treatments are for everyone. Please check our contraindications list to make sure you avoid disappointment.
• Pacemaker
• Epilepsy
• Heart conditions (uncontrolled)
• High blood pressure (uncontrolled)
• Diabetes (uncontrolled)
• Cancer (all forms)
• Undergoing chemotherapy or immune therapy
• Immunodeficiency
• Lupus
• Pregnant (1st Trimester) – then not below neck
• Active Herpes/cold sores (in treatment area)
• Moles - GP permission
• Open lesions
• Infection / Skin Diseases / Disorders
• Sunburn (in treatment area)
• Recent Scar Tissue (in treatment area)
• Rosacea (active in treatment area)
• Depilatory creams (wait 2 weeks)
• Metal plates and pins (in treatment area)
• Breast implants (contra-indication to underarm treatment)
• Recent waxing/plucking (all electrolysis-based hair removal treatments require there to be a follicle to target)
Advanced Electrolysis is the world’s #1 way to achieve flawless blemish-free skin. As a fast-acting specialist treatment, a variety of cosmetic skin blemishes can be removed quickly and easily, including skin tags, blood spots, red thread veins, spider veins, and milia.
Kim has specialised in Advanced Electrolysis for more than 30 years. With precise needle control from an experienced practitioner, Advanced Electrolysis can be a comfortable experience. Our disposable needles ensure a superior standard of hygiene and a fine finish every time. Many clients achieve results in as little as one session.
Kim’s Advanced Qualifications:
● Electrolysis & Red Vein Removal, Trudy Fleming – Australia
● Electrolysis & Red Vein Removal, Michael Bono – USA
● Electrolysis & Red Vein Removal, Rita Roberts – England
● 15 mins – $60
● 30 mins – $100
N.B Unlike hair removal, Advanced Electrolysis Treatments generally only require one appointment, however some may require more.
Skin Tags
Skin tags are often found on the neck, underarm and groin area, and can increase with age, or friction. With Advanced Electrolysis, skin tags disappear easily.
Blood Spots
Blood spots (Campbell De Morgan spots or Cherry Angioma) are flat, or protruding bright red spots on the face or body. With Advanced Electrolysis, blood spots are removed quickly.
Red Thread Veins
Red thread veins are dilated capillaries commonly found on cheeks, on and around the nose, upper chest and upper back. Causes include sun, smoking, UVA, UVB or hereditary conditions, however Advanced Electrolysis can remove the appearance of red thread veins completely.
Spider Veins
Spider veins are a collection of vessels surrounding a central blood spot, most commonly found on the cheeks, nose, below eyes, upper chest and back of hands. By using Advanced Electrolysis, skin can return to its original pigment.
Milia is small white cysts commonly found on the cheeks and under eyes. Advanced Electrolysis is a fast-acting way to remove such blemishes from the face.
Warts are commonly found on the hands, knees, and fingers. Advanced Electrolysis is an easy hassle-free way to remove them when compared to dry ice freezing, or messy at-home treatments.